Demostrative Communication

Demonstrative Communication
Marco Murrieta
Bcom 275

Demonstrative Communication
Communication can be defined as the process of sending and receiving messages. Communication involves exchanging ideas, thoughts and opinions; there are countless ways of communicate your message some of which may require doing it verbally or others of which do not require any conversation; most of the communication that we do is non-verbal. No-verbal communication can be a written note or text message, or a picture on a billboard, or as simple as a face gesture.   Demonstrative communication can be related to non-verbal communication. More than 50% of all communication is non-verbal and there for considered demonstrative communication. Demonstrative communication can be broken in three major groups, which would be body, physiology, and non-verbal, each one of these categories can be broken down into more sub categories.
One first category of demonstrative communication is body, which refers to the senders or the receiver’s actual body. One of the sub categories that go in the body is physical space, and physical space refers, the actual environment in which the sender of the message chooses to send the message. Bits and pieces like furniture, music, lighting conditions, and colors, can all affect the way the message is received, for example, you would not ask your girlfriend to marry you in the middle of funeral while there is a large thunderstorm outside and there playing a sad song that sings about letting go. No matter how exiting or happy it might be, the message will be received inappropriately because of the setting in which it was sent out. Another important aspect of body is what goes over it, clothing and appearance is the next sub category. Clothing and appearance can be considered the most important because which out notice the clothing that a person wearing sends out the first impression to other people. A great case in point would be when people go interview for...