Corrections and Treatment Chs 240

Corrections and Treatment
By: Joshua Nyland

Addressing the problems of what to do with youth that commit crimes is an age old problem. There has been many things tried, and now in this day and age there are programs in three categories. They are community based programs, Institutionalization, and aftercare programs.

There are two community programs that seem to be most effective and beneficial; these are house arrest, and probation. House arrest is a new form of correction. This method is designed to restrict the person’s ability to go places, and do whatever they want, while at the same time allowing them to stay out of jail and keep their job. This is done using an ankle bracelet that transmits a signal to the local police station. If the signal transmits that the person has left there allow area them the person can be tracked and brought back. House arrest allows a person to be punished without putting them into an institution. This saves a great deal of money, and allows reintegration into society to be much smoother.  

Probation is an older more proven method used in the community based programs. Probation has developed into the first step of the juvenile system. Probation gives the child a chance to stay out of jail while learning responsibility and paying for their crime. Each probation sentence is different, it is made for the child and there situation. Common things that can be found in probation are, supervision, counseling, community service, and drug testing.

Institutionalized juveniles can face many problems during and due to their institutionalization. Two problems that may need to be addressed in the juvenile justice system are, racial gangs, and the juvenile learning to function in a prison and criminal lifestyle. The problem of racial gangs is a growing one. More and more people find themselves divided along racial lines. They do this for protection and other reasons. This is a concern because this instills a sense of racism...