
Naomi Kenney
Dr. Jin Su
Chick at a Click
November 17th 2009


This article is about the deals that eBay provides with different designers. EBay is known for selling must of their goods off at an auction price. It’s very popular for those who look for deals and lower prices than those compared to in the store.   And unlike the department stores and the boutiques that must wait for months to receive their spring orders, EBay opens up tantalizing possibilities for the future of fashion distribution and marketing. This will make their website even more popular by offering clothing at a discount that is more popular and has not come out yet. EBay fashion thrust comes as online sales in general and apparel sales in particular gain traction.   The way eBay makes their marketing strategy so popular is they allow their subscriber to offer their home owned clothing or other valuables and let them start the starting price and those who bid on it control on how much they are willing to pay for the item. The Company has developed a web-based marketplace in which a community of buyers and sellers are brought together to browse, buy and sell various items. The Company's marketplace exists as an online trading platform that enables a global community of buyers and sellers to interact and trade with one another. Its platform is a fully automated, topically arranged, intuitive and easy-to-use online service that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, enabling sellers to list items for sale in either auction or fixed-price formats, buyers to bid for and/or purchase items of interest and all eBay users to browse through listed items from any place in the world at any time. Given this innovative business concept, eBay has become the world’s largest person-to-person trading community. However, certain challenges still present themselves to the company in both the near and distant future. EBay is redesigning its fashion web pages to make them more attractive...