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Comparison between Medical image processing methods
  1.0 introduction

To start with, the aim of this paper is to investigate and compare between methods and materials for medical image processing that been used in proposing or producing a new models in the fields of medical imaging.
Then, among all the papers and research articles that published we select tow to assist in our finding the difference and comparison. The first paper is titled as “Validation of Medical Image Processing in Image-guided Therapy “and the second paper is titled “Validation of Medical Image Processing” as for different researchers and years.
Medical imaging is one of our most powerful tools for gaining insight into normal and pathological processes that affect health. The role of image processing in medicine is expanding with the increasing importance of finding ways to improve workflow in reading environments where more images are being acquired in more acquisition modalities. Image processing is playing a crucial role in the maturation of quantitative imaging techniques, such as in functional MRI and diffusion tensor MRI, where visualization of the acquired images alone is insufficient. Image processing, embedded in larger systems and applications, is used more and more extensively in medicine from diagnosis to therapy. Image processing has an important influence on the medical decision making process and even on surgical actions.
Clinical use of image-guided therapy (IGT) systems has grown this last decade, creating the need for a common and rigorous validation methodology, as reported in recent workshops and conferences. One key characteristic of IGT systems is that they employ medical image processing methods (e.g. segmentation, registration, visualization, calibration). As a result of this intrinsic structure, validation of IGT systems should include both individual validation of these components, validation of the overall system and a study of how uncertainties propagate...