Chromosomal Abnormalities

Identify the disorder and explain how it is expressed in a person and inherited. In other words, be sure to explain the disorder in general but also the disorder on a genetic level. How does the disorder arise? How is the disorder passed from one generation to the next?

Chromosomal abnormalities, how does the disorder arise?

If you were the parent of a child with this disorder, with which question would you be most concerned?   How would you find the answer to your question?

Chromosomal abnormalities

There are many types of chromosome abnormalities reflects an abnormality of chromosome number or structure.   They can be organized into two basic groups.   When an individual either is missing a chromosome from a pair (monosomy) or has more than two chromosomes of a pair (trisomy).   Chromosome’s structure this can take several forms:

  1) Deletions: A portion of the chromosome is missing or deleted.
  2) Duplications: A portion of the chromosome is duplicated, resulting in extra genetic material.
  3) Translocations: There are two main types of translocations. In a reciprocal translocation, segments from two different chromosomes
  4) Inversions: A portion of the chromosome has broken off, turned upside down and reattached, therefore the genetic material is inverted.
  5) Rings: A portion of a chromosome has broken off and formed a circle or ring. This can happen with or without loss of genetic material.
There are two kinds of cell division, in which Chromosome abnormalities usually occur when there is an error in cell division. Mitosis two cell that duplicates original cell with 46 chromosomes becomes two cells with 46 chromosomes each this cell division occurs throughout the body the reproductive organs errors in cell division can result in cells with too few or too many copies of a chromosome. Errors can also occur when the chromosomes were being duplicated.