Ceolic Disease

Coeliac disease
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition caused by an abnormal immune reaction to the protein gluten, found in foods such as bread, pasta, cereals and biscuits. This means coeliac disease runs in families. markers are found on white blood cells (an important part of the immune system) and have similarities to other markers found on red blood cells which are used to distinguish between blood groups.
If coeliac disease exists in a family there’s about a one in ten chance for other members the family to develop coeliac disease. It’s important that all family members get tested even if they have no symptoms. It is possible to have coeliac disease without symptoms and it is damaging to your health if it goes undiagnosed and untreated.


The symptoms of coeliac disease can vary widely from person to person. Some people can experience more unpleasant symptoms than others, some may only have mild and non-specific coeliac disease symptoms such as iron-deficiency anaemia, and general fatigue etc and some people may not experience any symptoms at all.The symptoms of coeliac disease can vary widely from person to person. Some people can experience more unpleasant symptoms than others, some may only have mild and non-specific coeliac disease symptoms such as iron-deficiency anaemia, and general fatigue etc and some people may not experience any symptoms at all!

Possible coeliac disease symptoms may include:
• Diarrhoea, excessive wind and/or constipation

• Persistent or unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting
• Regular stomach pain, cramping or bloating
• Iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency
• Tiredness and/or headaches
• Weightless (in some cases)
• Hair loss
• Skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)
• Tooth enamel problems
• Osteoporosis
• Depression
• Infertility
• Join and/or bone pain
• Neurological (nerve) problems such as ataxia (poor muscle...