Cbt Questions and Answers

What are some of the key issues which need resolving prior to client assessment?

The Oxford College notes (2006) state that, the therapist should make it clear to clients that this type of therapy can take a long time, problems are unlikely to be resolved within a couple of sessions.   Each client is unique and although CBT programme is usually fairly short, it can take as long as the problem persists and that establishing an agreed programme of therapy with the clients elicits commitment on both sides.   The duration of the session according to Palma (2000), states that sessions last 50 minutes or an hour and between six and twenty sessions.

Maintaining therapeutic relationship Trower, et al., (1988) states that it is important that the counsellor values the client as a person, by communicating and showing that positive regard is unconditional.   By communicating a warm greeting, good eye contact, leaning slightly forward, giving minimal listening responses like nodes, clarifying, asking questions, paraphrasing and being committed to understanding what the client is saying.   Empathic understanding is equally important Saunders (2002), describes it as walking in someone else’s shoe, understanding how they feel and think.

Setting an agenda helps in introducing an idea for future sessions, it ensures major issues are not neglected and is relevant to client’s needs. According to Palmer (2000), states that the agenda would include reviewing the client’s homework tasks from the previous week, agreeing on topics to be discussed in   present session, negotiating further homework tasks, that directly arise from the work done in the session, it is the most efficient way of structuring the time spent with the client.

Structuring which is discussion concerned with the purpose, and goals of therapy and the plans of the therapist.   According to Patterson (1986), states that it is used to get the client to attend to, react to, or be concerned with appropriate things, in...