Boldflash: Cross-Functional Challenges in the Mobile Division

BoldFlash: Cross-Functional Challenges in the Mobile Division

What is it about the current organization design and product development process that fosters the problems of coordination we see in the case?
Adding two additional Managing Directors could be a solution. One Managing Director that could ensure that Manufacturing and Product Development are working as a team to ensure maximum efficiency in creating and manufacturing new products. Cheung and Melzer would report to him/her. The other Managing Director that could be responsible for Sales and Marketing to ensure the two divisions are working as a team. Patel and Bryant could report to him/her. Cahill seems to be overwhelmed with dealing with four Directors. This would enable him to deal only with two. This could facilitate some of the communication and coordination.
As for the development process, one the product development creates a new product; a procedure should be put into place to ensure that approval is required before manufacturing spends time, money and resources creating a prototype that is not viable.
How does the division’s culture play a role in the discord? What has shaped this culture?
A culture that exists within an organization is no different than the culture that exists within a society. This organisation is ultimately working toward the same goals, but they all have different ideas and purposes. BoldFlash is flawed and unorganized. Employees are following a submissive culture.   They are on guard and feel that they need to protect themselves and their territory. In order to foster a better culture, they need to feel a sense of security and trust so they are able to communicate freely and begin working as a team. Perhaps, it could have been Harrison’s management style that may have steered this existing culture.
5. What is the role of the business head, Cahill, in leading change?
As the sponsor of change in BoldFlash, Cahill has a key role in the team and the organization at...