Blooms Taxonomy

Blooms Taxonomy of Education and its use in Nursing Education
Lydia Vanulevich
September, 22 2013

Blooms Taxonomy of Education and its use in Nursing Education
    It was estimated that there were 133 million people living with at least one chronic disease in 2005 and that more than 7.1 million Americans die of a chronic disease each year (Larsen & Lubkin, 2009). This figure clearly shows that Chronic Disease is a major issue and will only get worse with people living longer with our advanced technology in healthcare. Nurses will be caring for patients who are higher in acuity and fewer resources as cost-cutting is always a factor. Nurses will need to think critically, more efficiently and more effectively. In the early 1950’s, an educational psychologist named Benjamin Bloom, developed Bloom’s taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Larkin & Burton, 2008), which was a classification of intellectual behaviors that are important to learning. The taxonomy is further classified into three domains: the cognitive, affective and psychomotor, with each of these domains being broken down further into further levels of learning.   The basic types of learning and awareness to be accomplished before the higher levels of learning could be achieved. As the authors explain further in “The Revises Bloom’s Taxonomy” (Su & Osisek, 2011), that by using this guide of learning objectives, nursing students can bridge what they have learned in school and apply it to real-life patient care situations, and the taxonomy "guides educators to deliberately explore a broad array of teaching methods that will yield the intended learning" (2011, p.323). Nurses will also learn that by using Bloom's Taxonomy to educate patients and families dealing with chronic disease, they will hopefully improve patient outcome.  

Cognitive Domain    
      The Cognitive Domain represents the use of knowledge in regards to teaching and learning and mental skills. The six...