
“A sense of belonging is important to everyone”

An individual’s constant urge for a sense of acceptance and belonging is a shared view by many afar. The extent to which individual’s strive to be recognised, to replenish the void that forever remains. This is apparent in Raimond Gaita’s memoir, ‘Romulus, My Father’ where he outlines the life of father, and his personal quest for respect which he latter distinguishes as acceptance. Similarly, the persona’s obsession for both her daughter and herself to be accepted as part of the community is explored in Alma Aldrette’s, ‘The Black Skirt’. Furthermore, belonging is evident in the 2006 film, ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ directed by Gabriele Muccino which is based on the accurate anecdote of Chris Gardner – whom battle through homelessness and persisted attempting to establish himself in the stockbroking market, thus eventually discovering an association with his fellow colleagues. The two texts and the inclusive film, portray an individual’s desire to belonging.

It is this desire that drives us to associate ourselves with those around us. Filial relationship is a stepping stone where an individual can learn the genuine meaning ‘to belong’. The sense of attachment with particular family members or the family in general can determine whether an individual can correlate elsewhere. In Raimond Gaita’s memoir there is a clear indication of filial relations between Raimond and his father, Romulus. It is initially evident in the title of the memoir where the use of a personal pronoun, ‘my’, affiliates Gaita with his father whom he continuously juxtaposes to the likes of a biblical prophet or saint.

“Romulus, My Father”,

‘My, Father’, in the context of Catholicism relates to the high priest and as we know, Romulus is a figure whose actions depict that of his moral code, embedded at a young age. His moral convictions and values, at times, throughout the memoir, distance himself from Raimond as he does not share those...