While each of the presentations is informative and well presented, Team A has elected to critique the PowerPoint presentation of Team B. Following is a detailed discussion of the features of the presentation designed by Learning Team B.
The use of multimedia has become a significant aspect of lecture presentations. PowerPoint™ has become a popular tool by which to deliver rich and meaningful content to learners in all disciplines. PowerPoint™ has evolved over the past two decades into an application that is user-friendlier, both for the designer and for the end-user. An important advantage of PowerPoint™ is that the presentations created can be posted on the Web or used in real time (Nielan, 2001). Current features of PowerPoint™ offer flexibility to address the learning styles of all learners and enhance the learning experience.
Overview of Presentation
Integration of Slide Transitions. Transition of PowerPoint slides can help or hinder a presentation. Transition can serve to introduce a new topic. However, when used in excess, transition can be distracting to the audience (Wright, 2004). Transition can be set by the designer to occur automatically or by the click of the mouse, enabling the presenter to control the tempo (Wright, 2004).
Team B chose to automatically set the transition between slides. In addition, team B chose to have the text swipe in from left to right. The swipe provides a smooth transition and introduction of the topics presented.
Graphics Application.
Graphics, in the form of images, “…are the most popular of presentation media” (Wright, 2004). One study found that visual learners are more likely than verbal learners to recall information presented via pictures (Smith & Woody, 2000).
It is important, when incorporating images into a presentation, to consider the technology capabilities of the end-users. Care should be taken to ensure the graphics used have a purpose...