Analysis of a Corpse Keeper

Nicole Hendricks
Kevin McDonough
Intro to Literature
25 October 2010
The Analysis of a Corpse Keeper
The date is March the 8th. It is a cold and utterly bitter day. The view from my office window shows people clinging to their hats and scarves as the gusts of wind nearly blow them off. As I look through my list of clients for the day, I realize my first appointment is in merely 8 minutes! I gather my thoughts and begin to read over the profile belonging to a Miss Emily Grierson.
Miss Grierson is a 74 year old woman living on her own. She is being sent for evaluation as per the request of Judge Stevens. He goes on proclaiming that the help she needs is out of the hands of himself and the townspeople. He proclaims that she makes up her own rules and adheres to them as she pleases. He states that she refuses to pay her taxes. She also refuses to have any numbers attached to her home. This is a problem due to the updated federal mail service. Townsfolk were constantly complaining of an unbearable aroma coming from her home. Action was taken, and lime was spread around the foundation of her house. This lasted for a period of time. Judge Stevens states that Miss Grierson exhibits unbalanced and bizarre behavior. Once she was ordered to clean up her property and declined, city officials performed a search throughout her home. They were astonished to find the dead body of her former lover in an upstairs bedroom. This clearly explains the smell surrounding her home. She also had an extremely difficult time turning over her fathers dead body when he had passed. After 3 long days, she finally handed the body over to authorities. Judge Stevens suggests Miss Emily must have a mental or psychological disorder to act in such an eccentric, and grotesque manner.
Eleven minutes has passed and I hear a delicate knock at the door. I thank my secretary, greet Emily at the door and invite her in. She makes it perfectly clear that it is Miss Emily. I apologize and I see that...