Access 21 Course

history of Canadian Canoeing and the importance of wearing the right equipment for canoeing.
Clothing that is required for Canoeing 4
Image of canoaeing in Cork 5
Clothing that is required for canoeing 6
Image of longjons and cagoule 7
Bouyancy aids and life jackets 8
Image of a bouyancy aid and life jacket 9
The importace of wearing a helmet 10
Image of a canoe helmet 11
Conclusion 12
Appendix 13
Image of a gentle paddle on the river Inny
Image of The Liffey Descent 2009
History of canoes
Clothing required for canoeing
{draw:frame} Whilst out canoeing and kayaking temperatures rise and fall, wind force and direction change and recreational canoeing tends to vary greatly in pace from intense concentration to a complete stop for lunch. “It is important that clothing should protect the body, keep the body warm though not to restrict movement, which can be a difficult task because, when weather and water conditions rarely remain constant during a canoeing activity” (Irish Canoe Union). It is the instructor/coach’s responsibility to ensure that every member of their group is properly clothed so they can participate fully in the planned activities in a safe manner without any avoidable problems. Therefore, proper clothing is as important as any other piece of canoeing equipment. The canoeist does not have to buy expensive brand names, the club will advise the canoeist on what clothing equipment should be worn.
Long johns and Cagoule
Fig.1-Image of a Cagoule
Fig.2-Image of Long johns
Buoyancy aids and Lifejackets
{draw:frame} A buoyancy aid is one of the most important pieces of equipment a canoeist wears whilst out paddling. The buoyancy aid should be comfortable when out paddling and should not ride up around the canoeist head whilst on the water. “A regular test should be carried out on buoyancy aids”(Irish Canoe union coach...