3 Branches of Government

The Three Branches of Government
By: Stephanie-Kaye Baker
May 14, 2010
Facilitator: Joshua Bearden

Many problems arose once the Revolutionary War was over. One problem was that the federal government was entangled in the self-servicing interests of each state. Another problem was that state financial bankruptcy along with inter-state relations had become difficult to settle. Along with other problems, political and religious leader started to acknowledge the need for many modifications to the Articles of the Confederation. The Constitutional Congress was called to order and the founding fathers made amendments to the Articles. They also had to review the previous Articles and make revisions if necessary. A completely new government was produced, which would create a stronger and more organized group who would have the main responsibility for the ideas and requests of the country. This would leave the more simple requests and matters of the state and counties to the local governments. These ideas lead John Adams, the Federalist, to create the Virginia Plan.   It also allowed him to lead the Creation of the Constitution of the United States.   John Adams became the second President of the United States in 1797 after serving as the first Vice President of the United States for two terms (1789-1797). He was also one of the founding fathers of the United States, and some say that he was one of the seven most influential individuals during that time. The seven most influential men who helped shape our destiny were; Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton (Morris, 1973,) Thanks to John Adams, the Constitution helped assign power to local, state, and federal governments.   The United States Constitution made dictatorship as well as other powerful dominations to be impossible. It also made it possible for citizens, by way of politicians, to have a say in the way the government worked.   This...