1.1 Identify the Different Forms of Communiction Used in a Helping Relationship

Sheena Davenport
F/601/7300 Communication skills in helping relationships – mandatory unit
      1.1 Identify the different forms of communication used in a helping relationship

There are different forms of communication used in a helping relationship.
Attending is the most important part of communication. It shows the speaker that they have the undivided attention and full focus of the listener. Attending involves using SOLER.
S sitting at a comfortable angle and distance from the speaker.
O open posture, arms and legs uncrossed
L leaning forward, looking interested, listening attentively
E effective eye contact (without staring)
R relaxed
By attending to the speaker, the listener is communicating that they are physically and emotionally available to them.
Listening is another form of communication. Listening is vitally important as it is key to effective communication. It allows the listener to understand the speaker’s problems, issues, ideas and beliefs. Active listening involves listening with your head and your heart and using minimal encouragers so that the speaker knows that they are being heard and understood.
Non-verbal communication involves facial expressions, posture, gestures, eye-contact and nodding. The listener’s posture should be open as this indicates that they are relaxed and non-threatening, which can help to put the speaker at ease. Body language is also an effective way of gauging how the speaker is feeling. If they have their arms folded, this can indicate that they feel vulnerable and are unconsciously trying to protect themselves.
Verbal/ spoken communication allows the speaker the opportunity to express themselves with words. The use of open-ended questions allows the listener to gather information from the speaker about their thoughts and feelings and encourages them to open up about what is troubling them.