Shc 31

SHC 31

1. Understand why effective communication is important in the work setting
1. Identify the different reasons people communicate
Before examining the different reasons people communicate, we must start by determining a view to what communication is. Communication can be defined as information transfer. This can be the exchange of thoughts, messages, feelings or the like. The way we transfer information is by speech, signals or writing, to express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood. ‘We all use a variety of communication techniques to both understand and be understood.’

Methods of Communication (body language, speaking, writing or visual aids):
One Way -
    ← Memo, fax, e-mail, voice mail, letter.

Two Way
    ← Phone call, in-person.

    ← Team meetings, consulting, consensus, decision making, group problem solving.

Sharing ideas through communication has meant that each generation of humans has been able to refine and improve the previous generations work. Communication plays a vital part in our survival, for example a baby screams (which is a form of communication) when it is hungry. Our survival and success as humans has been dependant on our ability to communicate.

People communicate for different reasons, which are as follows:
▪ To teach: We communicate is to impart knowledge and to teach. This way of communication allows future generations to acquire the knowledge and expand on it. Examples of this include information about what products are safe to eat or how to invent.
▪ To learn: Communication is also used in the other direction for the reason to learn and understand. People use communication to question and acquire knowledge from others. This includes asking a teacher or management about difficult situations or policies.
▪ To relate (establish, maintain, and adjust relationships): One of the most important reasons that we communicate is to build relationships. These relationships...