Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People. 1.3 Describe the Functions of External Agencies with Whom Your Work Setting or Service Interacts

Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People
1.3 describe the functions of external agencies with whom your work setting or service interacts
Within my company, we work with many other agencies dependent of the needs of any one young person. If a client has additional need which we as keyworkers are not qualified to provide to them, we will support them in accessing services that are appropriate for them. Some of these are as below:
• Social Services- Within my company, all our clients are referred by Social services, being that they are LAC or care leavers. Social workers have an important role to play in assessing parenting, and removing children if they are at risk of harm. They then have a responsibility as their corporate parent, to provide accommodation, financial support and emotional support to children in their care. We work very closely with Social services to ensure positive outcomes for each child.
• CAMHS- If a young person is experiencing difficulties with their mental health, then specialised care needs to be given to them. This could include medication, or counselling from a qualified healthcare professional.
• General health services- GP or Hospitals. If a YP is disabled or has additional health needs, it may be that referrals are made to specific health teams. This could be ongoing support for somebody with a long term disability, or more ad hoc if something sudden happens to their health.
• Youth Offending services - If a Young person has been involved in criminal activity, it is likely that Youth Offending or Probation services will be involved. They usually work with the Young Person to reduce the risk of reoffending and resettling back into a community, especially if they have spent time in custody.
• Children’s services- Often if a Looked After Child falls pregnant, a referral is automatically made to Children’s Services for a parenting assessment. As they have usually not experienced good parenting themselves, it...