Wilfred Owen: Choose Three of Owens Poems That Reflect Sorrow (Elegy) and Anger (Satire)

War as you can all imagine is a horrific situation to experience. One that will scar you for life and that is if you are lucky enough to get out of it alive. Those who have lived through a war or fought in one would have a permanent imprint of it left on them in their minds and in their hearts, enough to be able to speak of the terrifying images of war either with grave sadness or passionate anger or even both. Their intention would be to warn us all of the folly of mankind and the disastrous consequences of such bloody actions that we human beings take against each other without comprehending the deadly fall out that comes from such violence against one another. The ugly face of war is clearly portrayed and criticized in many poems. One poet Wilfred Owen in his world war one poems, Dulce Et Decorum Est, Anthem for doomed youth and Futility writes of the horrible conduct of people and the terrible effect of war with both sadness and anger.
One of Wilfred Owens’s talents is to convey his complex messages very proficiently and he does so in his poem. ‘Dulce et Decorum Est. The line “If in some smothering dreams you too could pace behind the wagon that we flung him in” asks us to imagine the dead from war as they are being carried off. The horror of witnessing this event becomes eternal through dreams. Though this boy died an innocent, war allowed no time to give his death dignity, which makes the horror so more heartbreaking and haunting in addition the word “you” is used in those lines as well as the line “if you could hear, at every jolt” this is engaging responders forcing us to empathies.
Also the diverse use of instantly powerfull imagery through heavy description is used through out the poem as in “ like old beggars under sacks” shows the utter exhaustion   of the soldiers and how war has wearied them and the word “bitter” in the line “bitter as the cud of vile” appeals to our sense of taste and the distatefulness of the war left in our mouth from it. And the...