
Vitamins | Role of vitamins in human body | Dietary sources of the vitamin | Disease related to a deficiency of the vitamin |
Vitamin A | Helps cell reproduction. It also stimulates immunity and is needed for formation of some hormones. Vitamin A helps vision and promotes bone growth, tooth development and helps maintain healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes. It has been shown to be an effective prevention against measles | Tomatoes, cantelopes,   watermelons, peaches, kiwi, oranges, blackberries, carrots spinach and avocado | Night blindness, retarded growth, skin disorders and increased infection risk |
Vitamin B | Enhances the uptake of carbohydrates to make energy and improves heart and nervous system functions | Whole grains, egg yolks, beef, poultry, liver, nuts, legumes, kelp, asparagus and the cabbage family | Beri-beri muscle, weakness (including the cardiac muscle), neuritis and paralysis. It may also affect brain functioning. |
Vitamin   C | Builds connective tissues and collagen, protects cells against pollution and free radicals, bolsters immunity and reduces asthma symptoms | Berries, citrus fruits, cabbage family, green vegetables, peppers, leafy greens, strawberries and tomatoes. | Scurvey- defective bone formation and poor wound healing |
Vitamin D | Enhances calcium and phosphorous assimilation to prevent fractures and osteoporosis, assists the development of bones and teeth in children, protects muscles, regulates heart beat, improves immunity, thyroid functions and normal blood clotting. It can also prevent breast cancer | Fatty fish, eggs, dairy. Sweet potatoes and oatmeal | Weak bones, osteomalacia and bone reabsorption |
Vitamin E | It’s an antioxidant that enhances tissue repair and blood flow and prevents cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, leg cramps and pre-menstrual symptoms. It promotes wound healing, maintains healthy skin, hair, nerves and muscle, protects cells from damage, controls hypertension and slows down...