Unit 8 Understand Health and Safety in Social Care Setting

Unit 8                                               Tina Ellingsworth

Health and Safety at Work Act
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)
The Management of Health and Safety Work Regulations 1992
Personal Protective equipment regulations
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1985
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

The main points of health and safety policies and procedures are:
Ensuring there is safe equipment
Managing risks
Ensuring there is adequate welfare facilities
Providing information, instruction, training and supervision
How health and safety is communicated in the workplace
The arrangements for first aid, fire and emergencies
The arrangements for reporting accidents or other health problems.

The social care worker
To participate in health and safety training
To report any potential and actual hazards and risks to the employer
Be responsible for their own and others health and safety
To understand and follow all health and safety procedures and policies.
The employer or manager
Provide training, information, instruction and supervision
Provide safety signs
Provide appropriate PPE for staff
Provide a safe place to work
Carry out risk assessments
Provide adequate first aid and welfare facilities
Take reasonable care for own and others health and safety
Understand and follow health and safety instructions and procedures
Work with the carer to use equipment safely

Administering Medication
Assisting and moving
Using equipment
Food handling and preparation
Emergency procedures
First Aid
Certain medical procedures

You could access additional support and and information relating to health and safety by speaking to your manager or supervisor, a dedicated person responsible for health and safety, the environmental health department or a health and safety executive (HSE)...