Unit 4222-237 Dementia Awareness (Dem 201)

Unit 4222-237 Dementia awareness (DEM 201)
Martyna Zurek

Outcome 1
Understand what dementia is.
  1. Explain what is meant by the term “dementia”.
Dementia is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember.

  2. Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia.
The main areas of the brain that are affected by dementia in terms of causing difficulties with their functions are:
- Frontal Lobe – this is the part of the brain that controls behaviour, movement, personality and the interpretation of what is around us
- Parietal Lobe – this is the part of the brain that controls the language we use, spacial awareness and recognition of places, objects and people.
- Occipital Lobe – this is the part of the brain that controls eyesight and our ability to see
- Temporal Lobe – this is the part of the brain that controls our speech, hearing and memory’

  3. Explain why depression, delirium and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia.
This may be the case because they all share many of the same symptoms as dementia.

Outcome 2
Understand key features of the theoretical models of dementia.
  1. Outline the medical model of dementia.
The medical model relates to clinical approach ie. how the changes occur within the brain, managing the condition with medication, etc.
Dementia as a clinical syndrome is characterised by global cognitive impairment, which represents a decline from previous level of functioning, and is associated with impairment in functional abilities and, in many cases, behavioural and psychiatric disturbances.

  2. Outline the social model of dementia.
The Social model of dementia is about the person, and how it affects individuals. The social model of care seeks to understand the emotions and behaviours of the person with dementia by placing him or her within the context of his or her social circumstances and...