
Theory Task 4 – Analyze different ways you can establish ground rules

Ground rules are a way of describing how a group needs to work together effectively. They should be in place to prevent events or behaviour affecting the effectiveness of the group, and imposing a barrier to learning. They also ensure there is agreement between teacher and learner on standards of behaviour in the learning environment. There are many activities that could hinder learning such as mobile phones, eating and drinking, poor time keeping, talking over people, rudeness and lack of respect. These can be managed by introducing ground rules at the start of a teaching session. When setting ground rules it is worth considering the underlying causes of the behaviours, such as lack of respect and disinterest in the subject could be due to not understanding the subject. Different people have different values and needs and what they percieve to be acceptable behaviour others would not. This can be counteracted with the introduction of ground rules straight away.

There are different ways of setting ground rules. The most effective time to set ground rules is the start of a session as this will show personal focus on the importance of behaviour for learning and set the standard straight away. Ground rules can be dictated at the start of the session and written up on display to refer back to. This could however be perceived as too authoritarian and as a result the group might not respect them. The tutor can involve the group in a discussion surrounding ground rules and make them feel that their opinion is valued and that they have had some imput in agreeing the ground rules. This method will make them feel that the ground rules were mutual and emphasise the responsibility of each individual to behave appropriately. The discussion can include what the consequences will be if the ground rules are not in place, such as lack of progress and development. The ground rules must be mutually agreeable....