The Great Gatsby Project

Priscila Leal-Arizpe
AP English III-Block 2
28 Feb. 2013
The Great Gatsby:   Connecting Device to Meaning
Passage and page number
Connection to Meaning
Juxtaposition “There’s a bird on the lawn that I think must be a nightingale come over on the Cunard or White Star Line.   He’s singing away—” her voice sang “It’s romantic, isn’t it, Tom?” The telephone rang inside, startingly, and as Daisy shook her head decisively at Tom the subject of the stables, in fact, all subjects vanished into air. (20)   Fitzgerald’s purpose of juxtaposing is to show the relationship between Daisy and Tom. And to point up the soft, charming qualities of Daisy, to the harsh behavior of Tom is to… This juxtaposition also contrasts the nightingale and the mysterious calling. This implies that the telephone breaks a part the happy mood of the table, which further shows the negative attitude of Tom. The other connection is it shows about the how weak Daisy’s and Tom’ relationship is, only one phone call and they were distrusted which destroys there romantic situation between them. Tom and Daisy's relationship is confusing at times and it leads many people to wonder why they stay together. Their action towards their marriage relationship seems to   confirm that they no longer love each other anymore; however, they still stay together.   This device also imposes the foreshadow of Gatsby’s and Daisy’s affair because we know as we go further in the book, it tells us that they were having a affair before Daisy got married, and she promises Gatsby that she will wait, but she didn’t and left Gatsby.    

(a setting specific to the novel, not – for ex. – New   York City)

“This is a valley of ashes-a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; whereashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke”(23) “The interior was un prosperous and bare; the only car   visible was the...