"The Fury of Aerial Bombardment" by Richard Eberhart

''The Fury of Aerial Bombardment" by Richard Eberhart''The Fury of Aerial Bombardment" by Richard Eberhart
The shift involves the transformation from abstract to concrete. It started broad and directed towards God then focuses on specific people and man’s stupidity. The first three stanzas of ''The Fury of Aerial Bombardment" are made up of massive rhetorical statements and questions addressed to man's fate on Earth. The forth stanza is more concrete, straight to the point. The address suddenly changes from a rhetoric on the abstract concept of man to an elegy for two specific boys named Van Wettering and Averill. They pursued no big global meaning but simply “distinguished the belt feed lever from the belt holding pawl”. They are just names on a list; the only thing significant is that they died early. Their death is their one real depiction of the universal questions the poem begins with. Yet the implication is clear that their death is both man's tragedy and failure. The boys are the least of men in one sense, faceless and forgotten; yet their deaths accuse all of mankind on how those who die are so insignificant. The author changed both his attitude toward the subject and his tone in going from one side of the concept to the other. The opening tone is rhetorical and resonant. The tone changes from high rhetoric to a conversational understatement. The entire characteristic of the language used changes starting with the diction of ethical abstraction, to the conversational diction of simple statements.
Question: What is Eberhart’s attitude toward the future of humanity? How can we tell?

“Facing It” by Yusef Komunyakaa
 Certainly the title “Facing It” isn’t just talking about the literal facing a wall, but also looking at the reality of the war, and the dead, and taking it in. The overall symbolic meaning of this poem is that losing the ones you love is incredibly hard and brings much grieving, but in the end you need to stop wishing they weren't gone,...