The Dual Nature of the Family Planning Policy

Name: Qu Lixian
Lecturer: Gao Jianwu
Advanced Writing: Writing Assignment 2 Final Draft
November 21, 2015
The Dual Nature of the Family Planning Policy
In order to control the population and improve population quality, China has implemented the family planning policy since the 1970s. As far as I am concerned, it is difficult to put simply whether the family planning policy has improved Chinese women’s status or not. I am going to expound my viewpoint through the policy’s positive and negative impact on Chinese women’s status.
On the one hand, the family planning policy relieves women’s reproductive pressure. Before the policy’s implementation, the key responsibility of marriage was thought to carry on the family line and women were regarded as no more than tools of reproduction. Women were often persecuted by their parents-in-law or abandoned by their husbands because they were unable to provide any offspring, or let alone a son. Things have changed after the policy’s implementation. The policy extricates women from reproductive pressure and heavy family burden. Women don’t need to spend as much time as before on birth-giving and housework, and have more time of their own. Because of this, they have more opportunities to create their own value in the society. They can walk out of their families, into the society and develop their careers. Accordingly, they can achieve economic independence and have greater power of discourse. They also can strive incessantly and achieve self-realization.
On the other hand, the family planning policy may make China suffer from gender imbalances which can further lead to discrimination against women. After the policy’s implementation, the maladjustment of sex ratio of the newly born population in China has been aggravated. As is known to all, son preference still exists in many remote areas. Because of the policy, Because of the policy, women in the areas cannot have chances to improve their family status by giving birth to a boy if...