
SWOT Analysis Worksheet

• For instructions on using SWOT Analysis, visit www.mindtools.com/rs/SWOT.


What do you do well?
What unique resources can you draw on?
What do others see as your strengths?

What could you improve?
Where do you have fewer resources than others?
What are others likely to see as weaknesses?

I have good inter-personal skills
Communication skills
I have good critical/analytical skills
I have a passion for teaching
I am good with public speaking
I have a passion for teaching
I have university degree
I am young and healthy
I live close to the school
I speak other languages
I am accommodate easy in new place
I have a powerful voice
I am very patient
I am very determinate with my goals

I have no useful work placement experience
Little relevant work experience in UK
I lack management skills
I have young children to take care of
I have not much subject knowledge
English is not my first language
I have less confidence work in the group



What opportunities are open to you?
What trends could you take advantage of?
How can you turn your strengths into opportunities?

What threats could harm you?
What is your competition doing?
What threats do your weaknesses expose you to?

I have a job offer in a school which suits my temperament
I can go on and study for my Ph D
Many school in my locality
My child is in the nearest primary school and daughter in the
nursery within walking distance
My school is the biggest local secondary school
My school has been awarded this year for career advise and
scoring work and use as a example
My passion for teaching, good communication skills and
determination with little training help can make a good TA

I need to sign a contract if I take up a new job
One of my colleague has acquired higher qualifications
The school I work doesn't offer training in our department
I have limited time because of small children
My family depend on my salary

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