Summerise the Law and Code Od Practice Affecting Work in School

Summarise the laws and code of practice affecting
                      Work in schools
Health and Safety at Work Act, etc. act 1974 (HSWA) - Establishes the frame- work for ensuring the safety of all employees at work this act also cover the health and safety of all other person who may be affected by Work activities e.g. pupils, students, visitors, parent and contractors. In section two of this legislation a duty is place on the employer to ensure the health and safety and welfare of all employees in practicable situations. Employers are responsible to consult with the trade union representative on matters relating to health and safety in the work place  
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 - This legislation require employers to carry out risk assessment to rule out risks and develop ways of dealing with risks. Set up emergency procedures and provide information about them to employee also taking into account Particular risk that may affect new or expected mothers. Employees are Responsible for employing people with sufficient knowledge and skills to help implement these criteria.
The Education (School Premises) Regulation 1999 – these regulations set out minimum health and safety standard for all maintained schools In England and Wales. Setting standards for temperature, ventilation and lighting, toilets for pupil, some of these standards have to also be met by none maintained special schools and independent schools. This regulation works in conjunction with The Workplace
The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 –T
his regulation deals with the physical condition in the work place. Ensure standards are met in relation to a wide range of matters such as the maintainability of buildings and equipment, the provision of lighting and temperature and provision of drinking water, rest facilities, toilet facilities and first aid.
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 – Employers are require to minimize the...