Spiritual Assessment

Angela Seip
Regina Groff
Spiritual Needs Assessment
This world is filled with people that come from diverse cultures and diverse beliefs and theories. Most people know that God is of the highest significance in faith. Spirituality gives us the chance to make the right choices in times of crisis. Spirituality is not something we just stop doing, it develops within us till we leave this earth. We see that spirituality is always fluctuating and never ending, the objective is to allow our relationship with God to grow.
The five questions that I would use to assess a patients spiritual needs are:
  1. Do you believe in Jesus?
  2. Do you practice a certain religion?
  3. Do you pray? How often if you do.
  4. Do you feel that Jesus answers your prayers?
  5. HHHHHow do you feel about having everlasting life?

Today I talked to Mr. Potter, 68year old male, his religion is Christian. Mr. Potter says that he is a follower of Christ and that he is just a visitor to this world and the Holy Spirit is arranging a place for him in heaven. Mr. Potter replied that “Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God and everything submit to God”. (John 14:1). He indicated that he upholds his spiritual theories with daily prayer, fasting, reading the Bible and attending prayer meetings in the church every Sunday.
Mr. Potter states that his inspiration is his faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died for his evils, and that Jesus is going to come back soon. Most people get depressed when they get sick but not Mr. Potter he is cheerful and trusts that whatever illness enters into his body is from God and is meant to bring him closer to God. He trusts that “all things work together for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose.” (Roman 8:28)
Mr. Potter says, “Better is one day in the courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper.” (Psalms 84:10). Mr. Potter spends most of his time in prayer every day. He...