Sparta - Notes

* The Statue of Leonidas:
He is strong, powerful, noble and commands a respect from everyone.
He is constructed to be a figure of perfection: the ideal and most desirable figure of a masculine Roman man.
He is a model for men to follow, ‘be like him and you will be honourable, worthy etc.
He is high and mighty.

Leonidas portrayed in the movie: 300
Same sense of power and indestructibility.
Ultimate portrayal of the ideal, powerful man.
He is leader, protector, example for everyone behind him.
Expression on his face is serious, he means business. No time for complaining about the weather.
“Don’t f### with me.”

Ancient Spartan on Black Pottery:
They are the rulers of the land, they have no predators/enemies that phase them, they do want they want.
Tall, dominating – saying that they are in control.

Original ‘Leonidas Stone’
Judging from the helmet, he looks important, like a leader.
Definition of chest and abdomen muscle suggests he is powerful and fearsome in battle.

Common Features:
Powerful as a leader
Warrior, fearless
Ideal model of a man.
  * This is the Spartan Mirage. Write about the Spartan mirage and you will fail.

Found in the Peloponnese.
People often called Lacedaemonians.

Eurotas River is the river that Sparta relies on for fish, fresh water, shellfish etc.

Taygetos From Sparta:
Rugged hills, brooding, like a natural fortress (how some ancient commentators describe it). It’s cut off from all other city streets by the mountains. If anyone wants to attack Sparta, they must first navigate the Taygetos Mountains.

Describe the dominant features of the landscape in Source 1.1 (Picture of Mountains)
The source shows a village surrounded by rugged mountain ranges. The village is in a kind of basin, protected by the mountains and surrounded by lush forestry.

Explain why Thucydides thought that posterity (future generations) might doubt that Sparta had once been...