Snap Crackle Frack

William Brent Batson
Ron Kaiser
ENG-122-X2966 English Composition I 14EW2
Snap Crackle Frack
DIMOCK, PA -- Norma Fiorentino’s drinking water well was a time bomb. For weeks, as workers drilled natural gas deposits nearby, stray methane worked into tiny crevasses in the rock, leaking upward into the aquifer and slipping quietly into her well. Then, according to the state’s working theory, a pump turned on in her well house, flicked a spark, and caused a New Year’s morning blast that tossed aside a several-thousand-pound concrete slab. Afterward state officials found methane, the largest ingredient of natural gas, in her drinking water. [This is an excellent way to begin or essay because it instantly grabs your reader’s attention. Well done!] Drilling for natural gas has caused explosions, polluted aquifers and even burning water.   (Lustgarten)   Ninety percent of natural gas wells in the United States use hydraulic fracturing for development. Hydraulic fracturing uses millions of gallons of water mixed with sand and various chemicals.   Then pumping at high-pressure into rock formations underground to break apart the rock and release gas. The well, comprised of well casing, which has slits or holes punctured in the casing walls in the gas bearing strata. The casing from the ground to a precise location past the water table, surrounded with grout or special concrete, to prevent leakage into the water table. After completing, waste or contaminated water, then trucked to and unloaded into the deeper disposal wells. (Lustgarten)   Concerned scientists believe these chemicals purpose a threat, either underground or when spills occur when performed.   Hydraulic fracturing is damages the environment, public health, and economy since government regulators do not enforce, weak federal laws, and too few inspectors, so it should stop until law updates preventing any further damage.
First, damaging the environment starts at the well itself and the wastewater...