
Question 1

Below are the two contributions from our Tutor Group forum that I have chosen to illustrate the discussions in the forum regarding Kibera.

*Please note that spelling/typing errors have been corrected.

Extract 1

Jeannie Dowen Mckie (Post 4 in reply to 1)

• 16 October 2011, 19:03

Re: Life in Kibera: Part 2

The two articles approach the problems in Kibera from very different perspectives. 'We cannot tolerate children dying for a glass of water' uses Kibera as an example of wider global issues and focuses on the 'moral' responsibility of Europe and the USA to provide aid. However, it is perhaps a simplistic view. 'Kenya; Portrait of a shantytown' is written from a much more human perspective and acknowledges the complexities of a community struggling with social and economic problems that are exacerbated by the lack of clean water and sanitation but are much more difficult to resolve. There are so many problems facing this community, ethnic and politically motivated violence, disease (weather infectious disease caused by poor sanitation or HIV/AIDS), alcohol abuse, prostitution, poor access to education and high unemployment all contribute to situation where there is no 'quick fix'. In 'Kenya; Portrait of a shantytown' one of the most significant points for me was the description of people's cynicism about the projects that have been implemented already, without a more rounded approach to the situation the improvements are just forcing slum dwellers out of the 'improved' areas and in effect just moving the problem on without solving it.

Extract 2

Katharine Withers (Post 3 in reply to 2)

• 6 October 2011, 20:52

Re: Life in Kibera: Part 1

The actual figures relating to the horrendous situation regarding lack of clean water and inadequate sanitation appalled me and simultaneously sent me on a huge guilt trip. If I learn nothing else from the rest of SDK125 it's made me so much more aware of how much water I was using (most of which was wasted), I...