Role of Egyptian Kings in Restoring the Amun

Assess the role of Egyptian Kings in restoring the god Amun following the failure of the Amarna revolution

During the New Kingdom of Egypt King Akhenaten completely changed the religious tradition from being polytheistic to monotheistic, affecting not only religion but also art, architecture, economy and society and resulting in the attempt of the Amarna revolution. This revolution however failed, leaving the task of restoration and renewal of Egypt to the future Kings. Each king including Tutankhamen and Horemheb over time has greatly contributed o the re-establishment of the God Amun with the enforcing of religious figures and economic success which resulted in a stronger and more successful Kingdom.

Akhenaten received placement on the throne around 1353 BC in the 18th Egyptian Dynasty. The son of Amenhotep III, he came into power following his fathers successful reign of leading Egypt into prosperity and diplomacy. During this time Akhenaten was originally named Amenhotep lV   and the religious capital was Thebes, home to the state god Amun, one of many gods worshipped by Egyptians. This all changed however in the first few years of his reign, changing his name to Akhenaten in honour of the ‘sun disk god’ Aten. His breaking away from tradition began in his first year when he built a temple of Aten at the perimeter of the temple of Amun at Karnak, from here his introduction of a new state religion emerged, leading to a new religious capital and complete change in culture, this lead to him commonly being referred to as a “visionary or a   heretic”

Little is known about Akhenaten’s successor Smenkhkare who ruled for 3 years after him. There are many theories that Smenhkare and Nefernefertuaten were the same person or possibly siblings, or even another lover o Akhenaten. Not much is recorded and it is likely that his immediate successor did not greatly impact religion in Egypt. While there are also possibilities that they strayed away from Aten, little is...