Robert Frost - Revelation

An Interpretation of “Revelation” by Robert Frost
The title of Robert Frost’s poem is “Revelation,” a word with great resonance since it means “the process by which God reveals knowledge of himself, his will, and his divine providence, to the world of human beings” according to A revelation is an epiphany, a vision, a sudden realization of a great truth which, on the religious plane, means it is inspired by God Himself. The title in this context is highly ironic since Frost describes a world in which people do not know themselves, do not understand one another, and where there is no certainty of the existence of God; and without that certainty, we cannot be sure of anything, not even ourselves, and must rely on finding out the truth about ourselves through our relations with other people.
At the beginning of the poem Frost introduces the main theme. “We make ourselves a place apart, behind light words that tease and flout” (1-2). Tease and flout have similar meanings. Flout means “a disdainful, scornful, or contemptuous remark or act; insult; gibe”, and tease means “to provoke or disturb a person or animal by importunity or persistent petty annoyances” ( These lines say that humans hide their real identity by acting as if they care less, or they scorn. But they still feel uncomfortable because of the fear of revealing. Even though they hide from others, their hearts are “agitated” “until someone finds us really out”.   “Agitated heart” is a clue that people who hide themselves feel anxious if someone finds the real identity they have.
In the second stanza,   Frost   says: “We speak the literal to inspire
The understanding of a friend” by which he means that one could reveal himself finally trusting the understanding of a friend, the capacity to connect with one another and then if that friend takes pity on him or try to understand him; it is possible that he is the real friend. In this stanza, Frost specify that there are two...