Review of Literature

Review of Literature
Goodman, Davies, Dinan, Tai & Iliffe (2011) define health promotion as the act of helping   others and   encouraging positive health   among individuals within a given society through personal, private, and public means. Analysts define this skill as the science of promoting the protection and improving peoples’ health through education. Public health has been documented over the years to improve the well-being of people in a given society. The behavior activities include self responsibility, nutritional awareness physical fitness, and stress management. According to Callens, Tibbins & Lenney (2011) define health promotion as those activities that when put in place by an individual, assist him or her develop resources that will maintain their well-being These activities entail   those that a person does on their own in the absence of endeavor to remain healthy.
According to Callen et al (2011) health promotion is the behavior of individual or activities done with the need to improve his or her health condition.   He describes this behavior as the desire by an individual to avoid illness, identify illnesses early, or make an attempt of curing curable diseases. From the definition above, health promotion depends on how health promotion is perceived by members of a given community.   Therefore, it is difficult to provide an accurate definition of health promotion. Nurses have defined health promotion as the approach to an individual wellness.
The main purpose of health promotion in nursing practice presented in both articles is to promote the issue of health promotion in policies and training agendas.   However, Goodman et al (2011) says that very little has been done to ensure this takes place among the nurses. The authors indicate that nurses feel enthusiastic about health promotion among community members and feel that they need to play a big role in health promotion.
Pinzon-Perez & Mountcastle (2010), on the other hand, note that health promotion...