Recombinant Dna and Clong Procedures

Recombinant DNA Procedure

1. Plasmid is removed from the e coli cell
2. The plasmid is opened by a special enzyme (restriction enzyme)
3. The DNA coding for human insulin is inserted in the open Plasmid
4. Recombination occurs by the use of a lipase enzyme
5. The new e coli cell is put into the e coli hot cell
6. The e coli host produces new cells identical to the original.

  * Human insulin is produced during this recombinant DNA process. Human Insulin is used by people with type I diabetes, for causing cells to take in glucose and sugar.

  * The other substance produced is human growth hormone (HGH). Human growth hormone is produced naturally in the human body deficiencies can occur. HGH produced by recombinant DNA is used to make up for that deficiency.  

Cloning Procedure

1. An egg is taken from a female frog
2. The egg is radiated, so that its nucleus is destroyed
3. A skin cell is taken from a frog
4. Its nucleus is removed
5. Then the nucleus is transplanted into the egg
6. The egg is placed into a culture and grows into a tadpole

  * Goats have been cloned, and so have cows.

  * The benefits of cloning are how extinct or near extinct animals can be reproduced, highly prized domesticated animals can be cloned to produce better food yields. The negatives of cloning are that the organisms cloned do not live long lives, the cloning has low success rates. Many say that if humans are cloned ethical and legal problems could occur such as identity theft.