

Primates- The order of mammals that has a complex of characteristics related to an intial adaptaion to life in the trees.
Suborders- prosimii/ anthrop idea/ prosimians/ anthropoids
Primate characteristics- an arboreal(tree living) enviornment
-3 dimension living length, witdth, height
-grasping hands(prehensible)
-binuclear stereoscopic vision (able to perceive depth)
Primate social structure- one male/ one female, one male/ multifamily, one female/
multi male, multi male/ multi female
Primate social structure and sexual dimorphism- Dominance hierarchy: which individuals are dominant in social behaviors ruled by those with greatest access to food or sex.
Sexual dimorphism: the average difference in body size between adult mates and adult females for primates adult males will be much larger than females.

Prosimians- “before simians” before monkeys or apes biologically primitive
Characterisitcs: lack color vision, some have single claw on each hand or foot, many are nocturnal
Plurnal- active during the day
Loris- nocturnal prosimian found in Asia and Africa
Tarsier- nocturnal found in Indonesia
Lemur- today in Madagascar

Dental Formula:
New world monkey- 2-1-3-3 (more pre molars)
Old world monkey: 2-1-2-3

Relative Dating Methods:
Biostratigraphy: in which sites can be assigned an approx. age based on the similarity of animal remains to those from other dated sites.
Paleomagnetic roversals: method of dating sites based on the fact that the earth’s magnetic field has switched back and fourth, North-South
Stratigraphy: older remains are found deeper in the earth because of cumulative build up of earth’s surface overtime
Molecular Dating: method of genetic analysis to estimated the sequence in timing of divergent evolutionary lines

Chronometric Dating Methods:
Carbon 14 Dating:   a chronometric dating method based on the half life of carbon 14 that can be applied to organic remains such as charcoal dating back over the...