Penitentiary and Models of the American Prison

Penitentiary and Models of the American Prison

                                Penitentiary and Models of the American Prison
There were so many different ideas what a penitentiary should be like by so many different people throughout the years, but for the most part it was intended to be a secular and spiritual environment. It is supposed to teach a prisoner to reflect on what they have done and have remorse of what they did and maybe feel compassing for what they have done in return maybe turn them into better citizens if they were to be released back in to the civil life.   It also was supposed to be more of a humane punishment and not so much a physical punishment; it should have been a more of a certain punishment and common punishment for all the serious criminals.
In my option the principal goal for the penitentiaries was in hope to maybe rehabilitate a criminal from committing crimes into becoming a more productive citizen, to help these criminals to try to turn their life around and stop committing crimes and have some remorse for their actions and become better citizens.   This should be the time for them to turn their life around and find their new spiritual begging, and take a better path in life.   The penitentiary is a place for the criminals that have proven that they do not want to follow any of the rules in society; they have chosen to life our side any rules and have to live with the choices they have made in life.   The principal goal of the penitentiary was to achieve the kind of spiritual transformation in a criminal being that was associated with the religious beings of the medieval monastery
There was a big difference in the two models in the American prisons, the Eastern State: Pennsylvania model was a more organized prison that housed the prisoners all in separated individual sells.   Because of having all the prisoners a part from each other and no physical contact the prison was more orderly, quiet and was more controlled.   The...