
Improving Participation of Employees in Training Programs

When it comes to employee participation in training programs, the management has to achieve a deft touch and a delicate balance between individual motivators and organizational objectives. A lack of participation is a sign of a lack of continuous improvement within the organization.

All employees work within the organization’s given structure in specific roles. The management is responsible for engaging employees in constant improvement. In the current scenario, technology and human capital are the two main factors that can make or break a business. While technology is readily available, it is the human factor that becomes the focus.

Training Makes Inroads to People

The difference between success and failure is most often the quality of human resource. Once employees are on the job, they can be quickly assessed. The management can identify the gap between their existing performance and the performance needed by the organization to meet its goals. Skilled, knowledgeable employees who have a positive attitude towards their work are vital to the successful implementation of quality programs, such as TQM or Six Sigma. People who work in small groups are unaware of the existence of poor quality in output around them.

In a world where success in the face of competition hinges on learning faster and more effectively than the next player, learning within the organization cannot be neglected. To ensure employee participation, the top management must display its commitment to the training plan in attitude and action.

Lack of Participation Makes Roadblocks Out of People

Two immediate negative outcomes of lack of participation in the training plan are the absence of discretionary effort (when workers put in effort beyond what is normally needed) and the lack of quality in intellectual capital. Intellectual capital gives organizations the edge over competitors in knowledge and innovation....