
Use of Internet Marketing in Private Dentai Practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Use of Internet Marketing in Private Dental Practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maja Martinovic\ Vedran Jakupovic^ Selma Jakupovic^ Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb, Croatia^ PharmaSwiss, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina^ School of Dentistry, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina^
SUMMARY. It is a modern practice of private dental offices and outpatient clinics to combine e-marketing and traditional business, which gives their clients more opportunities. These new channels primarily aim is so called „newer generations" that have somewhat different wishes related to services. They primarily seek practicality (convenience), whereas the older and richer clients seek a closer relationship. Many private dental offices and outpatient clinics that work online have recognised demands of various target groups (segments and market nichés). Today, in segmentation there is a trend of a total adaptation to the clients (customization) and adaptation to the wishes of the clients (customerisation), where the clients appear as proactive consumers (prosumers) who affect the offer creation themselves. Private dental clinics utilize e-marketing In various ways, namely: corporate or marketing website, web announcement and advertising, e-mail and forums. The Internet also has an important role with creating the brand name of the office. Online value factors, alongside with "classical" indicators have increasing importance for the total value of the brand. Today we talk about three evolution phases in accepting of the Internet marketing: one-way communication (informing clients about products and services), two-way communication (introducing a certain level of interaction, mass adjustment to the clients) and overcoming time-space obstacles (entering new (international) markets and in new business). Most private dental offices in B&H is not present on the Web, and the ones that...