Object-Oriented Programming / Event- Driven Programming / Procedural Programming

Technical Paper

Programming Language is an application written as an array of comprehensive individual instructions, for a computer, which is interpreted by a compiler and linker, and then deciphered into machine language so the computer can understand and ran properly. Every operation, such as starting up your computer, has a set of instructions that someone had to write and translate into programming languages. There are many types of languages when it comes to programming, for instance, C++, Java, Multi-threading, etc. The three that I will mainly focus on will be Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Event-Driven Programming (EDP), and Procedural Programming.
So before discussing the comparison of Object-Oriented Programming, Event-driven Programming, and Procedural Programming, let me start by defining the terms, from my understanding.
Object-Oriented Programming (OPP) provides a formal set of rules for creating and managing objects. An object is an element of a program that knows how to execute certain actions and how to connect with other aspects of the program. OOP is one of the most powerful programming languages. The whole purpose of object-oriented programming is to create an object, in coded language, with significant assets and procedures. Objects are the most fundamental units of object-oriented programming.
In detail, I will give the basic concepts of Object-Oriented Programming which are classes, objects, data abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. A class is a gathering of objects alike. Once a class is specified, several objects can be generated all while belonging to the same class. An object is a bundle of software related to state and behavior. Problems are analyzed by communication, amongst one another. Different problems can also intermingle without knowing the data nor code. Data Abstraction and Encapsulation is showing only the essential details related to the material being used by the intended user and hiding...