Nutrition Facts on Packaging

Discuss the reasons there is health and nutrition information printed on food packaging

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Discuss the reasons there is health and nutrition information printed on food packaging

      In today’s marketing environment, a package is the most attractive feature of the product. In an attempt to increase sales, manufacturing companies emphasize on the nutrition information presented on food labels. Packaging is the kind of marketing which catches the consumer eye to attract them so, which is why manufacturing companies take an advantage of such advertising by mentioning nutrition facts and health information (Kozup, Creyer, & Burton, 2003). It has been observed that people now are paying more attention to the food they eat. In particular, it is the last ad customers see before making the decision to buy any product. The objective of this paper is to explore the specific reasons there is health and nutrition information printed on food packaging.

      Food manufactures mostly use nutrition and health information to emphasize on the specific characteristics of their products. People are conscious about what they eat. It is well known that the consumer behavior and attitude are affected by the information appearing on packages. In an attempt to win undecided consumers at the point of purchase, marketers try to attract them with high-quality products (Robertson, 2012). With the help of health information, people can have a balanced diet and manage the quantity and quality of food they should eat. Therefore, food packaging can adequately guide them in order to make appropriate purchase decisions. The displayed information reflects a process of constant communication, an effective carrying advertisement message for the consumer.

      Nutrition facts should also be mentioned and emphasized while marketing products so it can easily appeal to consumers. People usually think it is a waste...