Nursing Assessment Assignment

This assignment will focus on a case study of a patient who was a 64 year old lady who lives in her own apartment in a warden-controlled facility. Although she had quite a few healthcare issues, the major diagnosis she had been given by her consultants was that Ann (not her real name) suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and as a result of this she has had re-occurring chest infections. Another major health issue recently was that she had lost a significant amount of weight and was also finding it sometimes difficult to walk about unaided and had had a couple of falls at home in the last three months. The reason why I have chosen Ann as my case study is because it appeared to me her health issues were varied and quite interesting to study.

Whilst I was at my primary care placement (working with Active Case Managers in the community) I had the opportunity to undertake an initial assessment on her health. I anticipated that visiting Ann at her home would be an on-going process and would offer me a great opportunity to follow Ann’s health issues throughout the duration of my primary care placement. This assignment will discuss the popular theory created by Roper, Logan and Tierney (1985) that concentrates on the activities of daily living (ADLs). I chose this theory because the assessment forms used by this particular Primary Care Trust used this model to guide the initial assessment of a new patient.   The second half of this assignment will focus in more detail on the nutrition needs that Ann requires. I have chosen the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) (Malnutrition Advisory Group, 2005) to discuss any further medical interventions Ann may require.

Nurses have acknowledged that patient assessment is the cornerstone of nursing care. However, they are perhaps less comfortable with the idea of formally taking a patient history in order to complete a patient assessment (Lloyd & Craig,...