
Resolved: Students not passing all classes will not be able to play sports.


“No Pass No Play policy” - States that students not passing all classes will be ineligible to play high school sports for a defined amount of time
Passing grade - Any grade above an F
Mission statement - A statement of an entity’s main goal
Student Athlete - A student who participates in athletics

Facts and Studies:

In recent years the U.S. has slipped behind foreign countries in educational ranks. Twenty years ago the U.S. ranked first both among adults ages 25-34 who have a high school diploma, and those who have a college degree. Now the U.S. ranks 9th among adults who have a high school diploma and 7th among adults who have a college degree.

Texas and Los Angeles school districts were among the many who realized that the U.S. needed to focus on improving the grades of our students. They enforced rules such as No Pass No Play. Previously both districts had held less demanding eligibility rules. When the No Pass No Play policies were enforced, a large amount of students immediately became ineligible. However, after 2 years of enforcing this rule the number of ineligible students had decreased to the number of students ineligible before the rule was enacted. Very importantly, drop-outs did not increase among students who lost eligibility when the rule was first enforced. Furthermore, the number of students enrolled in honor and advanced classes increased, proving that the rule does not discourage participating in more challenging classes. This proves that many students were able to raise their grades to stay eligible. These districts found that No Pass No Play policies were one of the most successful tools for raising student athletes’ grades. The results of Texas and Los Angeles NO Pass No Play policies support the University of Michigan’s prediction that some students cannot be motivated by academic goals and teachers. For these students the requirement to meet...