Nazi Propaganda

The collapse of the Weimar Republic and the Rise of the Nazi state through the subsequent occupation of Germany by Adolf Hitler in 1933 was influenced by various aspects. Propaganda had an immense role and was a significant tool utilized in Nazi Germany by the Nazi’ in the transformation of Nazi society between the period of 1933-1939. Propaganda significantly influenced the attitudes, reinforced perspective, and encouraged ordinary Germans to embrace particular Nazi ideologies via appealing to the emotions of Ordinary Germans through emotional manipulation and in turn benefiting oneself. The Nazis employment of Joseph Goebbels the head of The Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda enabled him to assist in the construction of the Nazi state via his continuous promulgation of the ministry’s two central beliefs of Gleichschaltung and Volksgemeinschaft. The Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda incessantly utilized multiple forms of media to propagate propaganda in order to influence, reinforce and manipulate the opinions of individuals in society. “We want to work on people until they have capitulated to us…no other aim but to unite the nation…it is the task of state propaganda to simplify complicated ways of thinking that even the smallest man in the street may understand ”. These forms of propaganda encompassed film, the Olympic Games, Print media; newspapers and magazines, Indoctrinating youth, radio, posters and the Nuremberg Party Rallies. Three of the most influential being Radio, posters and the Nuremberg Party Rallies.
Radio was a highly successful form of propaganda in the transformation of Nazi Germany from 1933-1939. Radio was a method of propaganda for the manipulation of the public opinion. Hitler perceived the utilization of radio, as means of propaganda as the predominantly influential device as it reached directly to the German society. After the collapse of the Weimar Republic, Head of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels gained total...