National Numeracy Strategy for Ks3

This report evaluates the National Numeracy Strategy, the practise of my placement school against the expectations of the strategy, relates my practise to the theories on effective teaching strategies as laid out in the strategy and finally, its impact on pupils in key stage 3 at my A Placement School.
For the purpose of this report, l will focus on three elements of the strategy’s main principles of teaching - Directing and telling, Questioning and discussing, Consolidating and embedding.
The Key Stage 3 National Numeracy Strategy - A Brief History
In 1997, the Numeracy Strategies for key stages 1 and 2 was announced, the expectation for Mathematics is that 75% of 11 year olds will achieve at minimum level 4 in the National Curriculum tests by 2002, 72% of year 6 pupils achieved the expected level in may 2000 (DfEE 2001 )
The Mathematics strand of the key stage 3 National Strategy aims to build on pupils’ achievements and experience of the National Numeracy Strategy for Primary schools as well as to improve the transition from primary to secondary school. The framework for teaching mathematics accompanied the launch of the key stage 3 strategy; this Framework gives guidance on planning, teaching and assessing the National Curriculum for mathematics in Key Stage 3 by extending the Key Stage 1 and 2 Frameworks. It also provides practical support to teachers on building on pupils’ achievements and catch-up support for pupils starting Key Stages 3 below level 4.
Most mathematics teachers found the original National Curriculum, introduced in 1989, too prescriptive and the list of statements of attainment overwhelming. The Framework was thus seen as   helpful in providing over 60 objectives for each year group in Key Stage 3 based on progression, its acceptance was huge, the planning and teaching resources has been widely welcomed and valued.
The Key Stage 3 Numeracy Strategy...