
1.0 Introduction
English language is widely spoken in all over the world. Despite of skin colours and races, English is well accepted to be used in medium of teaching, in business, daily communication of non-native speakers and many more. However, there are several factors that can affect the spoken English of a non-native speaker. It can be the speakers’ background such as their first language, mother tongue, social environment and many more. This report will present us the analysis on the how the mother tongue and first language affect English pronunciation. The three areas which are focused in this finding are long vowels, diphthongs, and consonants.
2.0 The Subject’s Background
As required in this assignment, I have chosen one of my Malaysian friends to read the passage that included in the coursework. Her name is PS. She was born in 18th September, 1993. She is a 19 year old lady of Dusun ethnicity. Her hometown is in Sabah. Growing up in a typical Sabahan family, her first language is Malay Language while her mother tongue is Dusun Language which was only taught by her parents when she was 9 years old. This made her to use Malay Language more often rather than English Language. Her first exposure to English was during her childhood through English cartoons. She learned English Language in the school through English Language Subject which was only conducted for few hours in a week. When she was 11 years old, she attended English class tuition to prepare for UjianPenilaianSekolahRendah (UPSR). It lasted about one and a half year until she finished the exam. However, what she was taught in the English tuition was more on writing skills.

3.0Table showing the identified variation/difficulties in pronunciation
Phonemic transcription of reading text Phonemic transcription of spoken text
/rɪtɜːnd/ /rɪtɜn/
/pɑːt/ /pʌt/
/kuːl/ /kʊl/
/deɪ/ /dæ/
/leɪtə/ /lætə/
/peɪdʒ/ /pədʒ/
/ɪˈməʊʃn̩z/ /iːmɒʃn/
/həʊm/ /hɒm/
/ɡəʊ/ /gɒ/
/ɡrəʊɪŋ/ /ɡrɒɪŋ/...