Learner Profile

Profile of Learner A
Mode of study | Full time | Part time |
Year group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Level | Pre Entry | Entry | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Learner | 14-16 | 16-18 | 19+ | HE | T2G | WBL |
Individual’s preferred way of learningeg: visual/auditory/kinaesthetic/read-write?   Practical, in groups or alone?   Write a bit about HOW you found this information |
Visual – likes to look at slides, graphs. Can work very well alone as well as in groups. I have found the information by observing the learner and asking questions.There is no entry requirements for this course, anyone who does not already hold a Level 2 qualification in Maths or English would benefit of the course. Learners do not have to provide any evidence of previous achievements.When learners come to enrolment they go through a screening process. They will have to take an initial computer based test which will give the assessor a rough idea about their level. Then, a place will be allocated based on the initial assessment results. On the first day with the class learners will have to take an initial diagnostic assessment. The initial diagnostic assessment will give us a better idea of their level; we will be able to identify their weaknesses and strengths and decide if they have been placed on the right course. So, based on these results we can make sure learners are placed at the right level and meet their needs.When I mentioned “last assessment” I meant last diagnostic test the learner had. During the year learners will have to take more diagnostic tests in order to allow us to identify their progress. Based on those tests we can decide if they will be able to sit the final exam earlier which will allow them to move on to the next level. |
Level of: | Say HOW you found the information on their level – eg: entry requirements of the course, screening etc? |
Language | | |
Literacy | | |
Numeracy | Level 1 | |
ICT | | |
Level 1 Numeracy as a result of the initial assessment.Level 2...