Examine the main Features of Uganda’s Education System focusing on Aims, Structure, Administration, Curriculum and Research, Education for the minority, assessment and Financing of Education.
According to, there was/is much foreign influence on the educational system of Uganda. England has had a profound influence upon education in Uganda and all major examinations were at one time written at Cambridge University and graded by external examiners I England. This was true to Kenya and Tanzania until independence when they all began developing mechanism for internally certifying students.
The structure of the system and philosophy of education are still essentially English. As a member of the British Common Wealth of Nations, Uganda still receives many teachers annually to man its classrooms from within the Commonwealth and still follows the English model.
Broad Aims of Education in Uganda
1. To promote understanding and appreciation of the values of national unity, patriotism and cultural heritage with due consideration of internal relations and beneficial interdependence.
2. To inculcate moral, ethical, and spiritual values in the individual and to develop self –discipline, integrity , tolerance and human fellowship.
3. To inculcate a sense of service, duty and leadership for participation in civic, social and national affairs through group activities in educational institutions and the community.
4. To promote scientific, technical and cultural knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to promote development.
5. To eradicate illiteracy and to equip the individual with basic skill and knowledge to exploit the environment for self-development as well as national development, for better health, nutrition and family life and the capacity for continued learning.
6. To contribute to the building of an integrated self-sustaining and independent national economy.
Structure of education system of Uganda ( 7:4:2:3)...