John Steinbeck

In 1937, John Steinbeck published Of Mice and Men, an award-winning novella based on two migrating men working on a ranch in the Great Depression. George Milton is a main character who takes his mentally-challenged friend, Lennie Smalls, around the state of California, keeps him away from trouble, and on the lookout for jobs.

Thirteen years after John Stienbacks death, Actor Gary Sinise directed a movie based off the book. Gary Sinise’s adaptation of Of Mice and Men effectively showed the overall meaning that John Steinbeck wanted the readers to see. After studying both the book and movie carefully, I came to the conclusion that Director Gary Sinise deleted, altered, and added scenes to his version of Of Mice and Men in order to emphasize the caring of the characters entangled into the storyline by John Steinbeck to the viewers.

Director Gary Sinise cut out many different scenes throughout the movie, to help the viewers see past the extras that author John Steinbeck threw into the book, and make the characters seem more caring to one another. Author John Steinbeck gave each of the characters a good and bad side, but since Gary Sinise was not only the director, but also one of the main characters, I believe that he wanted to cast a much friendlier tone across the characters personalities, especially with George, and cut back on their rude, hateful sides. For example, when Gary Sinise came across the ending scene after Lennie’s death, and the men finding George at the river, he drastically changed it by cutting out that whole part of the book.

The end of the movie consists of George sitting at the edge of the river staring at his hand and crying about what he had just done. At the very end of the book, after George has shot Lennie, the author put in a scene where men find him and convince him that everything was alright and he would be fine. Slim makes George walk to a bar with him to get drunk and forget about it. I believe that Director Gary Sinise made...