Ipad: a New Generation’S Must-Have

Believe me or not, as long as I hear a word about I-products, it will be too hard for me to stop imagining the new features, new eye-catching design, and new user-friendly applications of these incredible revolutionary products. It is not uncommon to hear people talking about their amazing applications being installed in their iPhones, iPads, or iPods. So far, I have purchased all the I-products. Among them, to be honest, iPad is my favorite. According to an article in “Channer Insider” published in May of 2010, Apple, Inc. claimed that it had sold 2 million iPads only in the United States after launching the touch-screen tablet in April 2010. Don’t you think that this number is so shocking that it clearly illustrates the power of I-products in the 21st century?   Yes. The answer is definitely, yes. No one can deny this fact anymore. We are obsessed with I-products. Our life is firmly attached to them. They are the leader. They are the dominator.
  A question has arisen here: How did this epidemic get started? What makes iPad so astonishingly outstanding even when compared to so many other electronics such as Kindle and laptops? Answers to these questions can be found in Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point: Hush Puppies, Crime, Yawning, and Other Contagions,” for he presented many convincing real life examples to show us how a trend becomes a trend. As stated by Gladwell, there are three indisputable principles: the first one, contagiousness; the second, little things can have big effects; and the third, change happens dramatically not gradually (631). Let’s look into this theory first, and then analyze how it is applied to iPad’s success.
To begin with, the first thing that he mentioned in his book is “Contagiousness,” which indicates that a key to making something new become a trend, a very famous trend is, most of the time, a contagious behavior of a few people. Their role in starting an epidemic is critical. Take an example from an excerpt from his book....